Transformative Thoughts & Published Articles by Dr. Kalua Green

Automotive Industry, News

How “Made in Kenya” Vehicles Will Boost Our Economy

South Africa’s auto­mo­tive sec­tor has cre­at­ed about 1.5 mil­lion direct jobs and an esti­mat­ed 5 mil­lion indi­rect jobs. Mean­while, the same sec­tor in Kenya has cre­at­ed a pal­try 100,000 direct jobs accord­ing to the sec­tor reports. Since the 1990s when Kenya allowed the impor­ta­tion of eight years old vehi­cles, Kenyans have pur­chased approx­i­mate­ly 760,700 Between 2012 and 2020. These vehi­cles were esti­mat­ed to be worth Shs570.3 bil­lion. If the bulk of those vehi­cles had been assem­bled in Kenya, then these bil­lions would have been inject­ed into the local econ­o­my and cre­at­ed mil­lions of jobs. 

Economy, News

Why Kenya’s Political Rhetoric is Causing More Harm Than Good

Fero­cious polit­i­cal noise rips apart soci­eties and dri­ves away investors. This is what is hap­pen­ing in Kenya today. With elec­tions eleven months away, var­i­ous polit­i­cal lead­ers are hurl­ing insults and accu­sa­tions at each oth­er caus­ing pol­i­tics to over­shad­ow all else. What they don’t seem to real­ize is that their ardent sup­port­ers habit­u­al­ly fol­low suit and ulti­mate­ly split the Nation there­by upset­ting ser­vice deliv­ery in the Pub­lic and Pri­vate sec­tors. This is the exact oppo­site of the civ­i­lized pol­i­tics that the 2010 con­sti­tu­tion envisages.

Economy, News

How We Can Fire the Economic Engine Through Women

Recent­ly, I was hon­ored to pay a cour­tesy call to His Excel­len­cy Luke Williams, the Aus­tralian High Com­mis­sion­er to Kenya. We dis­cussed mat­ters of mutu­al inter­est includ­ing Green Growth and the vast oppor­tu­ni­ties that both coun­tries present to their peo­ple. Because wom­en’s eco­nom­ic empow­er­ment is a crit­i­cal part of the Green econ­o­my, I was elec­tri­fied to learn about Aus­trali­a’s pas­sion and record for advanc­ing wom­en’s eco­nom­ic empowerment.

Economy, News

Why We Must Walk or Cycle into Better Health

We are liv­ing in dif­fi­cult eco­nom­ic times. In 2020, glob­al For­eign Direct Invest­ment (FDI) flows fell sharply by 35 per­cent. This was akin to los­ing just over one third of the water in your tank. If you were using that water for irri­ga­tion, at least a third of your crops would poten­tial­ly with­er and die. Decreased invest­ment and the accom­pa­ny­ing depressed econ­o­my have result­ed in a death of jobs across the country.

Economy, News

Why focus on exporting Kenyan Products will cure our bedridden economy

We are liv­ing in dif­fi­cult eco­nom­ic times. In 2020, glob­al For­eign Direct Invest­ment (FDI) flows fell sharply by 35 per­cent. This was akin to los­ing just over one third of the water in your tank. If you were using that water for irri­ga­tion, at least a third of your crops would poten­tial­ly with­er and die. Decreased invest­ment and the accom­pa­ny­ing depressed econ­o­my have result­ed in a death of jobs across the country.

Economy, News

Are We Ready For The Next Elections?

In exact­ly one year’s time, Kenyans will be troop­ing to vot­ing booths across the coun­try to vote for hun­dreds of lead­ers of their choice. Amongst them will be near­ly six mil­lion first-time vot­ers — young peo­ple who were not of age in 2017 when we last vot­ed. They will com­prise a crit­i­cal swing-vote that can eas­i­ly decide the elec­tions. This youth deserve to be pre­sent­ed with a menu of far-sight­ed lead­ers whose par­ties must be known for their respec­tive ideologues.

Economy, News

How Efficient Water Management Equals to Improved Quality Of Life

A recent World Bank advi­so­ry on water man­age­ment in Kenya has stirred nec­es­sary debate on the way we man­age water in our coun­try. In the advi­so­ry, the World Bank called for new con­ser­va­tion levies and increased reg­u­la­to­ry charges for water com­pa­nies. The pro­posed con­ser­va­tion levies will go towards con­ser­va­tion of water resources. This how­ev­er means that water bills will increase a fact that is leav­ing a sour taste in the mouths of Kenyans who con­tin­ue to expe­ri­ence both water scarci­ty and water inequality.

Economy, News

Why The ‘Lost Decade’ of South Sudan Calls for Impact Investment

South Sudan gained its inde­pen­dence ten years ago, on July 9th 2011. This makes it the youngest nation in the world. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the vital­i­ty and promise of youth seem to be absent in the ten-year old nation. Lam­en­ta­bly, there isn’t much to cel­e­brate on this tenth anniver­sary to a point that Pres­i­dent Sal­va Kiir him­self has just referred to the last ten years as ‘a lost decade’.

Economy, News

This Is How To Broaden Job Opportunities For Our Youth

This morn­ing I chose to make break­fast for my wife Susan and the fam­i­ly. So I sim­ply switched on the cook­er then pro­ceed­ed to cook. In less than twen­ty min­utes, break­fast was ready. The cook­ing was fast, clean, effi­cient and healthy because I used Liqui­fied Petro­le­um Gas (LPG).

Economy, News

Why Kenya Must Stop Blowing Hot and Cold on Cooking Gas

This morn­ing I chose to make break­fast for my wife Susan and the fam­i­ly. So I sim­ply switched on the cook­er then pro­ceed­ed to cook. In less than twen­ty min­utes, break­fast was ready. The cook­ing was fast, clean, effi­cient and healthy because I used Liqui­fied Petro­le­um Gas (LPG).

Economy, News

How We Can Fix Kenya, One Citizen At A Time

Kenyans were recent­ly treat­ed to a rare and most unfor­tu­nate TV show when a mem­ber of par­lia­ment pub­licly accused her col­league of fraud­u­lent­ly claim­ing fuel allowances and even being part of what she called a par­lia­men­tary ‘mileage car­tel’. The show on Cit­i­zen TV was chaot­ic and had to go into an abrupt break. The fact that it is the Mem­bers of Par­lia­ment (MPs) them­selves who are let­ting the cat out of the bag that indeed some MPs may be manip­u­lat­ing the sys­tem to extract as much mon­ey as pos­si­ble, would it be wrong for Kenyans to assume that we were liv­ing in an eth­i­cal­ly col­lapsed soci­ety? Indeed, a few days before the alter­ca­tion on TV , the Audi­tor Gen­er­al had raised queries over sus­pect­ed irreg­u­lar pay­ment of mileage claims to MPs by the Par­lia­men­tary Ser­vice Commission(PSC).


Why Putting 40% of Kenya’s Land Under Forests Is Not A Long Shot

Next year can be his­toric for Kenya, not nec­es­sar­i­ly because of the Gen­er­al Elec­tions but because of our forests. The Gov­ern­ment has set a tar­get of rais­ing the coun­try’s for­est cov­er to 10 per­cent by 2022. These efforts are being ably led by Dr. Chris K. Kip­too, the Prin­ci­pal Sec­re­tary for the Min­istry of Envi­ron­ment and Forestry togeth­er with Dr. Julius Muia, the Nation­al Trea­sury Prin­ci­pal Sec­re­tary. As they cap­tain the 2 bil­lion tree plant­i­ng cam­paign, all the fifty mil­lion Kenyans must take their place in this epic endeav­or of cov­er­ing more of our coun­try with big, green forests.

How We Can Make Lamu The First Port Of Call For East Africa And Beyond

Last week on 20th May was a very big day in Kenya’s his­to­ry. On that day, as the Indi­an Ocean waters roared soft­ly, Lamu Port roared to life. On hand to wit­ness this epic birth was Pres­i­dent Keny­at­ta. He cheered as MV CAP Carmel, a 204-meter Sin­ga­pore­an ship became the first ves­sel to dock into the Port. It had sailed from the Port of Dar es Salaam and was on its way to Salalah in Oman.

Business, Leadership, News

Women May Hold the Key to Our Unity and National Transformation

A few days ago on Thurs­day 27th May, I was priv­i­leged to offer the final prayer dur­ing the eigh­teenth Nation­al Prayer Break­fast that was held at Par­lia­ment Grounds. Just before my prayer to God Almighty that our lead­ers may work in uni­ty, Pres­i­dent Uhu­ru Keny­at­ta spoke very pow­er­ful words when he ref­er­enced Peter Waiya­ki, the keynote speak­er and said that, ‘Bwana Waiya­ki asante sana. I don’t think there is a word I would remove from what you have said. Let it not be that we have heard today and tomor­row we have for­got­ten. Hope is a con­tin­u­ous process. It’s how we live every day that matters.’